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sobre The 52nd Street Project!

Officially Chocolate Holiday Time

As you must know, The 52nd Street Project has an official candy bar — The Flyer Bar.=

Since the holidays are such a great time to get and give chocolate, John Paris, the owner of Paris Chocolate and the maker of the Flyer bar has set up a special for The Project.

Through 12/15/11, Project members and friends can go to Paris Chocolate’s Internet store at or call (800) CANDY BAR and get 25% off a 12-bar box of the Flyer No. 8 candy bar (milk chocolate and caramel). That’s the bar that comes in the red wrapper (i.e. the MOST popular one).

The coupon code is 52project and can be used over and over through 12/15/11.


So get yourself a little holiday cheer.