‘I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.’
(“Twelfth Night,” Act 3, Scene 3)

Back in July, our 2011-2013 “Twelfth Night” Teen Ensemble decided that they wanted to organize a Thanksgiving reunion so that recent graduates could return and so that the whole cast could come back together again for fun and fellowship. So Doris Alcantara and Armando Cosme took the lead and messaged, texted, chatted, and called everyone to organize the event, and announced that it would be a Pot Luck (with teenagers!) and each teen would bring a dish to share. In true luck-of-the-pot form, we feasted on a delicious array of pork, rice & beans, macaroni salad, sweet potatoes and many desserts. And we toasted to our friendships with sparkling apple cider.

Throughout the dinner, these “experienced” Shakespearean actors all tried to see if they still remembered their lines… but it seemed they all could remember only ONE of their own lines… “If music be the food of love, play on!” “And thus, the whirligig of time brings in his revenges.” “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em!”

We then took a moment for each person to write down a simple expression of thanks. Below are all of the teens’ statements of gratitude, along with the food they brought to share at our communal table.
We hope to make this an annual event!
I’m thankful for everyone in the ensemble, better yet my ensemble “family!”
(Ashley Smith, freshman @ SUNY Buffalo. brownies and sparkling apple cider.)
Late nights at Calgary is what I’m thankful for. Be good, and I hope you have the best forever more.
(Alvin Garcia, senior @ Manhattan Village Academy. Entemman’s chocolate fudge cake.)
I felt lost and hopeless when I was gone. But now that I’m reunited with all of you I finally feel complete. Thank you for giving me the best moments of my life.
(Tino Paduani, freshman @ BMCC. soda.)
I’m thankful for being able to share old memories and making new ones.
(Doris Alcantara, senior @ Frank McCourt. Pernil–shredded pork)
I’m thankful for the constant bond, even after the Teen Ensemble was “over” we still managed to keep in contact so it’s not really “over.”
(Melissa Rebolledo, senior @ Talent Unlimited. loaf of French Bread)
–Bacon –Bacon –Bacon
(Jason Gil, freshman @ SUNY Albany. Brought HIMSELF!! (we didn’t think he’d be able to make it, but he did!)
I’m thankful for Gus’ laugh and us!
(Armando Cosme, freshman @ Pace University. macaroni salad)
I’m thankful that even through the “whirligig of time” we still love each other.
(Lily Capstick, senior @ Beacon. cornbread muffins)