It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of our wonderful, invaluable and devoted Board Member John Vassilaros this past Friday evening, July 10th. He went peacefully, surrounded by his family. We will be eternally indebted to him and his family, who have been enthusiasticly involved with the Project for more than a decade. John Vassilaros (sometimes known as Johnny Coffeeshopolis) has been more than generous, not just financially, and as a wise and valued member of the board, but perhaps most valuably opening the family home to us twice a year for both Playmaking and Playback.
We are humbled to accept yet another gesture of generosity from these extraordinary people. Anyone wishing to remember him with a donation can do so through our website here, or clicking “You Can Help!” on our home page.
To say he will be missed is an understatement.